Sunday, July 8, 2012

Disdain all Disbelief

Wayne Dyer writes in his book Real Magic that you must send scarcity out of your mind. Here is an excerpt:

Work out a system with your mind that allows you to imagine yourself living a prosperous life, with all the material things that are necessary. Send scarcity out of our mind and reduce to have those kinds of thoughts. When an old habitual scarcity thought begins to enter your consciousness, simply say, "Next!" That's right, simply say to yourself, "next," and it will remind you that the old thought is now finished, and you are entering a new prosperous thought process. Using "next" as a magic work will remind you to get on with the magic of believing, rather than the anguish of doubt. Commit to paper precisely what you would like to have appear in your physical life. Be seeing it and reading it repeatedly you will plant that thought more firmly in your mind and you will begin to manifest that which you are imaging. I use this writing technique often, and I place the affirmation in a place that forces me to constantly read the words of the miracle I am in the process of manifesting.

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