Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quotes by Robert Kiyosaki

Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences – his two fathers. His book Rich Dad, Poor Dad lays out Kiyosaki’s philosophy and his relationship with money.Here are some quotes from Mr. Kiyosaki:

“You’re only poor if you give up. The most important thing is that you did something. Most people only talk and dream of getting rich. You’ve done something.”

“If you’re the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time life pushes you. If you’re that kind of person, you’ll live all your life playing it safe, doing the right things, saving yourself for something that never happens. Then, you die a boring old man.”

“I’d rather welcome change than cling to the past.”

“Intelligence solves problems & produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone.”

“At the point that money hits your hands, you have the power to determine your financial future.”

“Success is a poor teacher”

“I have a problem with too much money. I can’t reinvest it fast enough, & because I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer.”

“A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth, to say no. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness is not being a bully. It’s having backbone.”

“Most investors say “Don’t take risks.” The rich investor takes risks.”

“If you can grasp the idea that money is not real, you will grow rich faster.”

“Money is kind of a base subject. Like water, food, air & housing, it affects everything yet for some reason the world of academics thinks it’s a subject below their social standing.”

“We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them. The rich build assets that they use to purchase other assets. The poor only have expenses.”

“If you want to be rich, simply spend your life buying assets. If you want to be poor or middle class, spend your life buying liabilities.”

“Education is the foundation of success. Just as scholastic skills are vitally important, so are financial skills and communication skills.”

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