Saturday, May 26, 2012

Positive Momentum

In his book, Over the Top, Zig Ziglar discusses the importantance of positive momentum and why we must keep it going. Here is Zig’s advice:

Positive momentum is so beneficial we want to sustain it, and negative momentum is so destructive we want to quickly stop it.

For Example: In the wold of athletics an enormous amount of emphasis has been placed on the importantance of momentum and how it can change in a split second. I would like to point out that momentum is involved in every facet of our life, on both a positive and a negative plane. When the momentum is downhill, it is fueled by downhill thinking. One negative thought breeds another, which breeds another, until you have an entire family of negative thoughts. When you get enough of them, PLOM disease moves in and takes control.

In baseball, when a team has lost several games in a row, the manager looks his staff over for a stopper. Some pitchers are famous for their ability, almost regardless of their won-loss record, to win the big ones and to provide that stopper.

In life, action with the right attitude is the best possible stopper for a downhill slide and the best insurance for keeping momentum going when it’s of a positve nature.

One of the things that has mystified me most over the years is the incredible number of people who have said to me, “Zig, when I get a little down, I pop in one of your tapes or pick up one of your books, and invariably, it gives me the lift I need.” What puzzles me about that statement is that if they were to keep doing the things that got them going, they would keep on going, and their chances of getting a little down would be dramatically reduced. Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right mental attitude.

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